Light Between Mediums
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Light Between Mediums
Light Between Mediums

Physics states that light is composed of different wavelength colors. When sunlight passes through droplets in the atmosphere, the droplets act as multiple spherical lenses, refracting and reflecting the light to form a rainbow in the sky.

The Light between mediums exhibition concept takes "light" as the origin of all colors. Through the artists' observations and imaginations of everyday life, two completely different creative styles refract a rich and vibrant artworks.

Design team: Szu Ling Liu, Pei Han Chen


光里的介質 Light between mediums展覽概念以「光」作為所有色彩的原點,藉由藝術家於日常光景的觀察及對生活的想像,透過兩位各自截然不同的創作風格,折射出豐沛繽紛的視覺意象。

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